Friday, April 4, 2014

Whitney’s Birthday


Whitney turned 3 on Monday! Happy birthday girl!

She is such a fun person in our family and we are so grateful she is in our home!

I threw her a little Tea Party for her Birthday. Alma worked from home and when he was done working we had a Pizza and Ice Cream Party with Grandma and Grandpa.

The girls were so adorable. I even asked them if they could put their pinkies up while they sipped their Juice.

2014-03-31 10.19.59


  2014-03-31 10.17.30

2014-03-31 10.19.41  2014-03-31 10.19.46  2014-03-31 10.19.50

2014-03-31 11.28.04  2014-03-31 11.28.15

Brad wanted in too

2014-03-31 11.31.46

The freezer accidently got unplugged… by me. So her ice cream cake melted. She doesn’t really like cake. So sad. I let her take a few bites before I dumped it. We ran to the store and bought some ice cream. I know she was still one happy girl!

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She got My Little Pony’s and the game Hungry Hungry Hippos. A Hello Kitty Pen and Notepad and Ball. And Grandma and her friend both gave her new Barbies.

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I have been telling her for the last couple months that when she turns 3 she can’t take her blanket around with her in the day. That is has to be put away and she can no longer suck her thumb at all. On her Birthday she woke up and was ready to go! She really has had no problems this week. She is owning it and she knows she is big and that it is no longer ok to suck her thumb. She is falling asleep no problem and does such a great job. To me, she seems calmer and more fun and I am loving hearing her talk more since she doesn’t have her thumb in her mouth. I surely love her and all she brings to my life. She is a great little girl with spunk, love and humor.

Happy 3rd Birthday Whitney!

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