Friday, April 4, 2014

March Happenings

2014-03-03 11.18.07

We cut up Whitneys Blanket and one day in the car I looked in my mirror and saw this face. I asked her what was wrong and she said she grabbed the wrong Issy. She grabbed Dads. She was pretty sad.

2014-03-03 14.42.50   2014-03-03 18.37.26

Brad is trying lots of new foods and loves it all. Here he is eating Bell Peppers and Salmon.

2014-03-10 13.00.33   2014-03-10 13.01.08

A good friend of mine from Rexburg was driving through Houston so she stopped and we visited. It was so awesome to see her and her kids!

2014-03-11 12.58.07

The weather is finally getting nice outside! It was a colder winter than expected.

2014-03-11 20.37.36

Kaitlyn has started a reading book with me that teaches phonics. I love it and she is learning so much. I can’t believe how much better she has gotten in a month.

2014-03-12 14.01.06  2014-03-12 17.55.42

I love Brads smile in these photos.

2014-03-15 10.57.23-1

Brad and me!

1 comment:

Nicki Wilson said...

i made the blog!!! so fun! i just wish we cold have stayed longer.