Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lots of Photos of us lately…

Brad loves the fridge. Whenever it opens there he is! Right up in there! My girls never climbed up in it. Makes me nervous of all the things he will be climbing on as he gets bigger. One day Whitney’s bike was in our kitchen. So we took a picture of Kate on the bike.

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During Conference sessions Alma made a massive fort. The kids loved it. We all loved it.

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Some of the neighbors at our house playing.

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My Sister Kacey came into town and we had a blast. Went to the Zoo, the mall and Chuck-E-Cheese. We had so much fun with our cousins!

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We took Whitney to Build-a-bear and had her put her Issy blanket inside of something that she picked out. She loves My Little Pony’s.  It fit great and she was very ok with saying goodbye to her blanket. It has been a couple weeks now and she is not sad that it is gone or that she doesn’t have it anymore and she actually doesn’t care a ton about the new pony. First, she did pick out Fluttershy (the yellow pony and after I paid and walked out she saw Twilight sparkle and started to freak out wanting that one. So I politely asked if there was any chance or way we could switch. I really didn’t want this to be a negative experience. I would not have switched if her blanket wasn’t in there. They were very kind and let us switch. I felt so bad.

So she has stopped sucking her thumb and her blanket is gone! HALLELUJA! I love the person that she is becoming now that she is not hiding behind her blanket and thumb. She is making us laugh and doing bigger things now that she is three and she is such a fun girl! So proud of her will power and being able to stop sucking her thumb and using her blanket cold turkey.

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Brad is messy.

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I love when my kids get lost just playing with toys.

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I love this picture of Whitney. I ran in the house for a min and when I came out she was walking around the tree with her hand on the trunk singing with cute pig tails! Never grow up Whitney.

A neighbor put together an Easter Egg hunt for the kids the Saturday before Easter. It was so much fun and they had this little pool for the kids 2 and under. So cute!

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Family date to Burger King

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They were giving away free rides at the Mall on the Carousel so Alma took this picture of Brad. I love that smile.


I just can’t believe he is almost one! Where did the last year go?!? He is such a fun little guy!

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