Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer fun

We got our Pool Pass for our neighborhood pool a little over a week ago and we are super excited. It was only $4 for our family for the whole summer season!

About a mile from our house they were doing a crawfish festival and we went and saw baby aligators and crocodiles. It was pretty fun to watch! Kaitlyn keeps talking about a BIG SNAKE that we saw there. It took 4 Adults to hold up the snake!

Kaitlyn played in my flour and I had to take a picture! I only had a little bit left in my bucket so I let her have at it so I could pour all my new flour in. Super cute though!

Alma is a great Dad. I came upstairs and he had put all these bows that I had make in Kaitlyns hair. It was pretty cute and she loved it.

1 comment:

Jen said...

So fun! Looks like Alma is a great dad to two little girls! Congrats on little Whitney too...she's darling!