We had a get together with Kaitlyns friends from our Apartment Complex and my sister-in-law helped me make invitations.
There was also a cute flower on the front too

Here she is on her Birthday Morning,
Right after opening her Birthday gift!

...and I think she likes it!

Being silly with Dad

Helping me make frosting for the cake...

We had a light lunch, Homemade Pizza Rolls, Pigs in the Blanket, Muddie Buddies, Capri Suns and a Fruit Salad with a Strawberry Marshmallow Cream dip...

Blowing out her Candles

Eating her Cake

All of Kaitlyns (and my) good friends that we are going to miss sooooo much.

Later that night we went to Cafe Rio and then came back and opened Presents and ate more Cake...

A Harmonica

Briella came over to celebrate too
Here are a few videos of her excitment when she realized it was her Birthday.
Here she is too excited to speak!!!
Still excited about her Birthday!
Sooooooooooooo cute! Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!
Those videos are awesome! SO cute!
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