Thursday, November 6, 2008

36 Weeks down... Temple at night... and First SNOW!

Me and Alma striking a pose... in the kitchen... again.

Me at 36 weeks and 1 day! We are plugging along... choo choo (train)

It is so nice to have the Temple up the street from our apartment. It looks so beautiful at night!

Tues night it snowed a lot... this is the view behind our house. Some snow actually stuck to the ground. It really looked beautiful. You can kind of see the Temple in the middle of the picture towards the top.

View of the snow in the front- not too much~


Jared A. Lopez said...

you look so cute! only 4 weeks to go! i can't wait to see you!

karibates said...

I love your new background, and good job on that temple photo - so pretty! We are excited to see you in December :)

Deanna said...

your hair is so long and pretty! only a few more weeks!

Anonymous said...

HI! You still look totally cute at 36 weeks. Kaitlyn is a beautiful name. Oh, by the way, Betsy tagged me, so I tagged you. Go to my blog to read all about it.

Me and My Boys said...

You are such a CUTE prego lady. We miss you guys, oh and your pumpkins are pretty much the most amazing things ever. Well done, How much Longer till baby girl is here? and how is the crib set working out for you?

dani said...

cute blog jessica!!! you look so cute with you belly:)