Thursday, December 12, 2013

3 kids


So 3 kids hasn’t been too bad. I didn’t put Kaitlyn in a Preschool or anything this year. I decided to keep her home with me. We play laugh and learn and also have those hard moments of sadness and fighting. But we are doing great.

Some days are easier than others but even the hard days aren’t too bad. I just wish Brad would sleep better at night. We are getting there though.

Brad is so great at moving around and being all over the place. He started crawling after he turned 6 months. He is such a physical little guy. Seems to have always been that way. I love all that he brings to our family. So smiley and happy.


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The girls are having a blast together. They play together all day long and come up with such cute things to do. I know Whitney is going to miss Kaitlyn like crazy next year when she is in all day Kindergarten. We will miss her deeply and all the fun ideas she comes up with. 

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I love that Brad is old enough to play with them! So much fun seeing them all Play together.

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