Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vacation Part 1

There were about 6 Parts of our vacation this last month. Here is the first part. We went to Scottsdale, Az with all my family … my brother was missing, and we played at parks and rode on a train and swam and hung out and laughed in the hotel . It was only about 40 hours total if even, but it was a fun time.

Brad met his cousin Shaun. They are about 6 weeks apart

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At the train park with cousins!

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The good thing about my Moms job is she can do it while on vacation, the bad thing about my moms job is she can do it on vacation. She was busy talking to someone at the park and so we decided to tease her and all get on our phones and pretend to be talking too. It was so funny when she realized that they were all standing behind her on their phones. She had to continue her conversation without laughing.

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Years ago my Sister lived in Az and we would always go to Bahamas Bucks, It is a snow shack place. It was so yummy. That is where we had lunch.


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