Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kaitlyn is 5!


We had a great 5th Birthday for Kaitlyn.

We made Crepes for breakfast. Her favorite.

Went and saw Disneys new movie “Frozen”
We loved it and will definitely be buying it one day!

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Met up with Grandma and Grandpa Chamberlain and had lunch at Red Robin!

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She got bunk beds for her room! Super exciting!

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I don’t wanna talk about how bad this cake looks. The picture says enough. It is what she wanted and I was running low on time.

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Had some neighbors over for cake and presents! It was a great day!

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A glimpse in Our Life


This is the one picture I got from the expensive photographer~ Love it

Whitney and I went on a little date to get Yogurt and then to the Park. Brad tagged along too!



They love pulling faces and taking pictures!



Whitney cracks me up in the pictures below on the potty. Sunglasses and all. I started potty training her after Halloween and she caught on so fast and hardly had any accidents. She is trained for the nights too and it has been so much easier than I thought it would be. She was so great at it!








Ps. Kaitlyn is wearing a red skirt that her Grandma Bates made summer 2012. She wears it almost everyday and loves it so much~

Mall fun

My kids love to ride the free trolley at the mall by our house.

We go to the Library and then ride the Trolley to the mall. So much fun to not have to have seatbelts!

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We went to the mall a few weeks ago and the girls had their hair done by some people who were selling curling irons. It was so fun to see their hair so curly! I might need to curl their hair more often!

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I sometimes look at Kate and see myself. I know there is a lot of Alma in her too but one day we were being silly on my phone taking pictures and we were pulling the same silly faces. After looking at them later I could see some similarities. Oh how I love her!

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Random Phone pictures

I love to cuddle with my kids.


The above pictures were the Sunday that Whitney threw up all over me during Sacrament Meeting. She looks fine and healthy doesn’t she? Got home from church and we all just cuddled!


I love this Kaitlyn girl! She is so full of life and laughter!


Below are pictures of our friend Tristan. He and Whitney are about 10 days apart. It was great to visit with his Mom, Anna.


Brad has started baby food! or squished food as my girls call it


We went to a place to get the kids photos taken and they smiled so well and got the best photos of my kids. At the end they were telling us the prices for the pictures and it was insanely high. (we came in with a groupon with a special deal) But if I wanted more than one pose it was going to cost me one of my own children. Or at least it felt like it. So these are some pictures of loved of them but didn’t get to print and keep.