Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Camera!!

So yesterday, we went out to our house and took some photos, attended a Open house for our new Stake Center (which will be our building) they had a BBQ and it was great to be outside. Then we came home and took pictures in front of my parents awesome bush with beautiful pink flowers. After a few pictures, Kaitlyn got a hold of our camera and dropped it and broke the camera. Since we are expecting a new baby... ANY day now, we decided to go get a new one last night.

It was a great price and I am shocked at how well of photos it takes compared to my last camera.

We have church at 8am on the dot so we get out of church at 11am.

It is nice to have so much of our day together. The three of us took a walk to a nearby pond... about a 1/2 mile away from my parent house and enjoyed the out doors. It has been mid 80's this week and so nice.

I got to test out my new camera and take lots of photos today at the pond!

The pictures from here down were taken with my old camera, right before it broke.

I am huge!! and ready to meet this little girl!

Our house is coming along. They have added all the little things, like sinks, toliets, light fixtures. It is really coming along and they are planning on putting Carpet in this week and grass in the front yard! I can't wait to see it all come together with everything. Alma and I are so tempted to move in now even though things are done.

We are closing a little over 3 weeks! Cant wait!

They painted our front door and they were starting on our shutters on the front of the house.

Here is Kate in our Master Bedroom. We have a sitting room and these pilars are seperating it.

She thinks it is a carousel.

Our kitchen is coming along too! Can't wait to move everything in and decorate!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sleep? Who needs sleep? Well... I DO!

I know all my posts are about the same things. I guess they are for my records to have of these things that are coming along... and I love to be able to have them right here on our blog, and also to let anyone (like my sweet sister Kacey) see how our house is coming along.

We went Saturday and it was an exciting time bc they did our driveway, they added cabinets, which were covered by plastic but it was still exciting to see them in the kitchen and bathrooms, and the painted the walls and put up the shelves in closets and added doors and baseboards. It is really looking like a house, and if it had carpet I would be tempted to move in!
Here is the kitchen

The family room and stairs
The outside with the driveway and the sidewalks

They put on our garage door

I am getting more excited for this little girl to come. It is hard to really prepare and make it feel like she is coming when we are not really settled into our own place, and we are having another girl so I haven't had to buy anything, which is a huge blessing, but then it makes it not feel as real. I do feel like we are getting more ready by bringing the baby stuff inside and talking to Kaitlyn about it to get her more ready for the change.
Oh will she be the best big sister!
She is really getting the concept of having a sister. She talks about how she is going to hold the baby when she finally decides to come out and how she wants to rock her and brush her hair (if she has any that is) and tickle her. She talks about how they are going to be friends. It is the sweetest thing. I love too that she is at the age where you can just ask her to do something or get something and she is capable. What a great help she will be. She has the sweetest heart. I am so glad to have her in our life and at the time we had her.
I know that I could be pregnant for 2 or more weeks, but it is crazy how it is coming to the end. With Kaitlyn I was induced and this time I am excited to go on my own and have contractions randomly and give Alma that call or have to wake him up or wherever he is and say, "It's TIME!"
I am trying to enjoy the sleep that I am getting now.
Sleep, oh dear, sweet sweet sleep...
Kaitlyn has spoiled me for over a year and a half and now it is close to time to do those midnight feedings and changes again.
Oddly enough, I am a little excited for them in a way, the time with your baby, when no one is awake, just you and them, sharing little moments together, while they are half asleep and you get to just hold them and cuddle... those days which will one day be gone.
but I do admit...
I love to get a good nights rest.
I wish that sleep wasn't something you had to give up when you had a new baby.
Give up food?
Chocolate even!
Well maybe not chocolate...
But I am going to miss my sleep. Kaitlyn hardly slept as a newborn. I hear moms who say their children sleep 20 hours out of the 24 hour day. That was never her. Which, I must admit, now that she is older, it makes sense.
Kaitlyn just doesn't need a lot of sleep.
I decided to not give her naps anymore when she was less than 2 years old, and she did so much better without them.
Don't get me wrong, I would love for her to nap everyday, it just made my days so much harder when she did. She was grumpier and threw fits easier. Trying to get her to bed before 9pm was out of the question.
I guess I am not sure what to expect with this baby.
Maybe she is a lover of sleep like me.
Which I am hoping for! At first it would be great if she slept as much as newborns do, to make this transition easier. Maybe moving a week after we had Kaitlyn and doing all the traveling that we did just threw her into life and there was too much going on.
I do know that you can sleep train your kids, and so I know that this sleep is not gone forever, it is different after you are a mom though. Always on-call no matter what age.
But I do hope Baby girl #2 is kinder in the beginning about sleeping.
I do think that maybe a lot of it might have been me and being a new mom jumping at every sound. Who knows? Like I said, knowing Kaitlyn now, she has never needed a lot of sleep. So I believe it is who she is/was.
Which she does sleep long a great now... from 7:45pm-8am everyday. Never waking and staying in her Big girl bed. We just don't get the luxury of naps.
Anyway, sorry about that rant about sleep. I guess it is something that I know comes with being a new mom and it is something that I am going to miss, but I know you gain so much more! So so much more!
But alas Sleep, I will miss you.
Whats in a name?
Well, I know we talked about naming this baby Lyla, but we are still trying to decide if that is what we want. In fact, I think we are starting to think that we are just going to have to see her and come up with a new name.
So as of now, no name for this baby. Which is weird to me, because I never thought we would do that! Kind of fun though having no idea what to name your baby and waiting to see her to decide! There are about 5 names we really like so we will see which gets the pick.
But we are excited to meet her and bring her home.
So, here is to the last 2 weeks of pregnancy! and who knows, maybe more!?!
Here is me at 38 weeks and 2 days.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baby Sewing Project / Friends Baby Shower / House updates

I had seen a few of these Car Seat covers in Utah before I moved. I wanted to make one really bad and knew if I just waited till we moved that when Tax season came I would have lots of time, and once we moved we would know if it was a boy/girl.
I kind of just made up my own pattern and winged it, and I think it turned out pretty great.
With Kaitlyn, we always laid a blanket over her car seat while she slept and church or while out and about, but this one has straps, so you can still use the handle.
The fabric on the other side is the same fabric, just opposite.
You can kind of see on the middle right of it, how the inside is the pink fabric.
(I thought about making it reversable, but decided against it at the end)

I just sewed the straps right on there and used velcro for taking in on and off.

Kaitlyn loves to sing and play the Piano

A little over a week ago, my friend, Anna, had her baby shower!
She is due 3 days after me with a little boy, and it is her first one! I am so excited for her!
At her shower there were a lot of my old friends from High School and we have kept in touch all these years, and we live here in Texas!
It is always great to get together with them.

And of course, whenever Princess and I get together,
we just have to take a couple silly pictures.

Me, Princess, Anna, Janelle

Me and Anna showing off our babies

And last but not least, our house is really coming along.
They put up our brick and it is really looking like a home!
We took a picture of our car in the "driveway" to get a feel of what it will be like.

They put up Sheet Rock last week and when I went yesterday they spackled the walls to get ready to paint and then the cabinets come in tomorrow!
I am in the breakfast nook taking a pic of our living room and stairs

This is a view from our living room looking at the kitchen and a little bit of the breakfast nook.

This is the front of the inside of the house when you walk in the door.
The formal living and dining.

I can't wait to see all the cabinets in and the walls painted, I believe tile will be laid soon in all the wet areas! So exciting!