Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Time!

We have had such a great Christmas week. It has been nice to be here in Texas enjoying the weather and also getting settled. We are getting things in order, like getting addresses changed and making sure we switch our Car Insurance. It has been a lot of work but it is something that we wont have to do for, well, a little while...
We have had such a blast spending time with my parents, and Kaitlyn is doing great adjusting to this new lifestyle.
Every now and then we play a little too much and she doesn't get the sleep she probably needs and we all feel it the next day when she is not as happy... but for the most part, she has been doing awesome and loving all this space at my parents house, compared to our last apartment.
For Christmas Kaitlyn got a new Baby that looked just like the one that she has now, So clean and new!!
She seemed to not know what to do with both. But has played equally with each one.
Also a stroller and bed and a diaper bag for her "twin" babies.
She got a Bike!

And a Big girl bed with new bedding!!
Which she does a lot better in than I thought she would. She stays in her bed until it is time to wake up. The 1st night was a little more rough. She woke up at midnight and at 5am. But since then she goes to sleep almost better than before (very excited to lay down in her bed... like it is a treat) and stays in there till morning. She loves it so much and sometimes through out the day she wants to go upstairs and just play on it.

And of course a few other fun things...

Making Gingerbread cookies with Grandma

Playing the Piano
I have noticed almost everywhere we go, there is a Piano, Aunt Kaceys, Aunt Vikys, Both Grandmas, she just must think every house has one. And she loves it.

Video of her rolling out the cookie dough

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Goodbye Utah...

This last week has been crazy. We packed up our little life in Provo and moved to Texas. The Wednesday before we left, it snowed a ton so we decided to take Kaitlyn outside and let her play in the snow and build a snow man. She had so much fun!
We are really going to miss our last Apartment Complex. It was such a fun place to spend the last 15 months.

Alma made the snowman pregnant... So I had to take a picture with it!

Packing up our apartment was not as hard as I thought it would be with a 2 year old.
She did awesome and kept herself entertained.
Here we made a box fort for her and she just played in it for awhile with her new house.
Not sure why she is sucking on the Mom figure... but I thought it was a cute picture.

Alma drove the truck all the way to Texas and Kaitlyn and I were lucky enough to fly to Texas, with a layover in Denver. Since she just turned two 2 weeks before we had to buy her a seat... which she loved. She looked so cute in her little seat all ready to go.

As crazy as moving is... we were able to find sometime to say good bye to good friends before we left.
The night before we left we went to Salt Lake and saw some of Almas friends from College. It was great to get to see them one more time.
After dinner, we decided, since I had never been to Temple square at Christmas... that we would go look at the lights.

Great friends!

And Shannon and Owen had us over for the best dinner ever the Sunday before we left and it was so great to catch up and talk about life and of course, babies.
Shannon is exactly 8 weeks ahead of me with a little boy. It was so fun to show off our preggo bellies!
She is super cute!!

We are going to miss them big time... especially watching LOST together on our little love seat!

We are now in Texas and finally settled, unpacked and feeling a little bit of the stress from moving melt away and starting to enjoy the Christmas season... especially at 77 degrees.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some of the things that happen during our days at home...

Since we Potty Trained, this is the new "hang out" place in our house...
Every now and then she just likes to go in there with her toys and play.

I heard her saying, "Mommy... Mommy..."
and when I came this is what I found.
All her "peeps" taking a nap.
(I love how all their little heads are peeking out)
One morning she woke up and when I asked her what she wanted for breakfast, she said "Peanut Butter"
I tried to put it on toast, which she didn't want. Just a spoon and the jar.
She sat and ate it for over 30 mins.

...& this is the look I got when I asked if she was all done.

Her new umbrella from Aunt Viky!
Thanks again!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last Saturday night we had our Ward Christmas Party.
Alma and I are were on the committee so we helped with this Big Party.
Decorations, 5 Turkeys, 5 Hams, Mashed Potatoes, Fresh Green Beans, rolls and salad and yummy Punch.
Our committee was awesome and everyone did so much to make this go easy.
It was such yummy food!!!
There was entertainment
(talent show)
and a Nativity Presentation
(Kaitlyn was one of the Angels)

Here is the stage with lights and a tree and the piano
The tables

Kaitlyn spent the whole time running around with these girls.
It was soooo fun to see, we are REALLY going to miss our friends here.

I think this picture below is the cutest picture ever!!!
They were all holding hands running around, I didn't even have to ask them to do this:

Here is the Bishopric
They all played a different instrument and sang
It was great!

Their presentation of Luke 2

In her Angel costume...

Meeting Santa
She was a little scared... didn't want to sit on his lap
Better than last year though, at least there were no tears this time!

Here is a video of Kaitlyn on stage
she loves to be on stage
The congregation was singing Silent Night and she was so cute twirling around

We love this ward so much and we are going to miss it more than ever!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kaitlyns 2nd Birthday!!

We had a get together with Kaitlyns friends from our Apartment Complex and my sister-in-law helped me make invitations.
There was also a cute flower on the front too

Here she is on her Birthday Morning,
Right after opening her Birthday gift!

...and I think she likes it!

Being silly with Dad

Helping me make frosting for the cake...
We had a light lunch, Homemade Pizza Rolls, Pigs in the Blanket, Muddie Buddies, Capri Suns and a Fruit Salad with a Strawberry Marshmallow Cream dip...

Blowing out her Candles

Eating her Cake

All of Kaitlyns (and my) good friends that we are going to miss sooooo much.

Later that night we went to Cafe Rio and then came back and opened Presents and ate more Cake...

A Harmonica

Briella came over to celebrate too

Here are a few videos of her excitment when she realized it was her Birthday.

Here she is too excited to speak!!!

Still excited about her Birthday!