Friday, September 24, 2010

Can I have a ____ egg?

I love that Kaitlyn is learning everyday.

She talks a ton now too which is such a blast. Saying sentences more and more.

Like, "I opened it"

I can't remember them all but I love that she can actually tell me what she is thinking.

She has been working on colors and it is so fun to see her getting them. Now everywhere we go it is, "Mommy, Blue car, Red bike, Green Ball"

Here she is a video of her pulling out different colored eggs as Alma asks for them. Too cute!

***And those of you who really wanna see the video of the Maceys Challenge:

I remembered that Alma posted it in his Facebook Videos so you can watch it there. Don't make fun of me too much though~***

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Would you do this for $100?

So in August there was a Grocery Store challenge with their coupons.

Alma came home from work around noon, after checking the mail and wanted to do this challenge to win $100. I was a little hesitant, because:

1. I would be the one singing, making a fool out of myself.

2.I didn't know a lot of the songs.

3. It would take like 2 hours to search for the songs and figure them out, and learn them, then put the grocery store lyrics to the songs.

So, after convincing me, we "youtubed" lots of videos, figured out and learned songs that we didnt know and got ready to video tape. We got the coupons on the 4th of August and submitted our video to them by 2pm on the 4th of August. We felt really confident that we would win. The 1st 3 people to send in a video to their email, would get $100.

That day we checked Almas email every 2 mins. Thinking they would get back to those who responded first.

Then... 51 days went by... still nothing.

UNTIL TODAY! We got an email that we won!!

Whoo HOO!

I said that I wouldn't post the silly video of me singing unless we won. I tried to post it but it was having troubles. Maybe it was too big.

Would you have done all this for $100?

And what should we do with our money?

Buy lots of Yummy groceries? (it actually comes in the form of a Gift Card for their store) Dinner? Gas money for a Trip up North-West for Thanksgiving?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fun Saturday!

Our Apartment Complex put on this HUGE, FUN, FREE BBQ/Party!!
It was so much fun!
There was Tug a wars... by wards
Cookie Decorating
Door Prizes
It was such a blast!

And Rootbeer Floats!

Then later tonight they had a Stake Chinese Festival, where we ate Chinese food and Ice slushee desserts. It was so much fun. I didn't get a lot of pictures of that since we were helpers with the Ice Slushees but there were a bunch of kids that took the little flags in the grass and threw them up in the tree to see who could get higher. I am sure the Maintance people will come and be like, "Where are all the flags??"
Funny thing some of the Parents were doing it too.
Hope you had a great Saturday!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Did you know that the Bates are.....

... having another BABY!
This Friday (tomorrow) I hit my 13 week mark and we are due March 25th. We are super-duper excited!!
So far in this pregnancy, I have been more sick than with Kaitlyn. No throwing up but just a constant nauseous.
I have been not wanting to eat ANYTHING! Everything just tastes awful!! Except cereal and PB&J's and fast food... which is not a good thing for the wallet.
We bought a Topsy Turvey this summer and grew wonderful tomatoes but for some reason Tomatoes have been something that makes me the most sick, which has been sooo sad. NO BLT Parties for me. Hopefully that Tomato sickness goes away after a few more weeks, or sometime. I would be crushed if I coupld never eat Tomatoes again.
I have been SUPER tired. Which is a challenge with a toddler.
But she does nap every day for around 2-3 hours and I am right there with her when it comes to keeping my naps!
I am starting to get a little more energy now that we are coming to the end of the 1st Trimester, and we are super excited to find out what we will be having the beginning of November!!
Kaitlyn is going to be a super super big sister and we are excited to add more to our family.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Those Summer Nights"

Not too much new as of lately. We really enjoyed our summer and Alma started school back up this week. It is good to be back on a busy schedule and I cant believe this is our last semester until the REAL world! We haven't posted for awhile not a lot of pictures taken, but here is Kaitlyns new babysitter :)
Just kidding. She is a hoot to see what things she will get into next.

The Monday nights in August they did a movie at the park. It was so much fun to go to. Kaitlyn loved it and stayed wide awake and sitting up watching the whole movie, "Enchanted"
It was so much fun to do as a family.
Here she is all ready to go on her blanket. By the time the movie started there were people everywhere around us. It got really crowded!!

This is her face as she was watching them inflate the movie screen! It was pretty cool to watch!

And of course, before the movie started they did Karaoke for FREE MOVIE THEATER POPCORN! no one was signing up at first so I jumped up and sang. Yes, I am in my PJ's.

Here she is hitting herself with a pillow. She loves to make us laugh!

And one Sunday evening she was just singing away and so we got it on video! So cute! She loves to sing like her mommy!

And here is one more... she puts a little more dance moves into it.