For the 3rd we got together with some friends and went to the field by our house to watch Fireworks. It was great to be able to walk there and not have to deal with traffic. The women talked while the sunset and the men played frisbee... then we enjoyed the Fireworks. It was tons of fun!

The gang... excluding Christina... she was taking the picture


About 10 days ago, my sister sugguested that I run a 5K. 3.1 miles for the run that our city was doing on the 5th of July. As I was signing up I thought... I have run 3 miles quite often, why not push myself and go for a 10K -6.2 miles. So I started training with just a little over a week. Unfortunately, I got plantis facitious in my right foot, so I could only run at night, after is was warmed up for the day. I almost decided to cancel the whole thing but then I decided to go for it. I wrapped my foot up and warmed up nice and good before the race at 7am. The run was awesome. Never did I feel like quiting, and I didn't walk once! Which when I ran 5 miles a few days before I had to walk prob 2-3 times. (Stopping for lights mainly) but I am not going to lie.... I was glad the light made me stop. It was such a great experience. After the 5th mile my foot started to hurt alittle and by the end the other one was hurting in the same way. If you ask me, I think I have bad running shoes. But I finished and it was AWESOME! My time was 1 hour and 9 mins... Probably could have pushed myself a lot more but I mainly was going for distance, not speed. Not too bad I think for just a week of training.
Here I am coming into the finish.... and I am super excited to see Alma and Kaitlyn. My cousin told me when she did her 1st race and she got to the end she started to cry... I don't know what it was but when I saw them I did get a little emotional!
They are such great supporters!
Good Job Jessie!!
Yay for running! It's fun to run organized races. And I agree there is something so emotional about finishing a race that was challenging, as well as seeing your supporters waiting for you at the finish line!
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