This last weekend, we were invited to go to a friend of ours "Family Cabin" and it was so AWESOME!
I got to spend my weekend in a beautiful place like this....

Kaitlyn got to hold a 2 month old baby
She LOVES babies.

We played childish crazy games... and got wayyy into them.

Sung and played guitars...

Played more games up until 1:30am and then talked until 3:30am

Made cookie dough at midnight!!

Put together PuZzLeS super fast
These two guys did the whole puzzle of Noahs Ark (500 pieces) in an hour and a half

Relaxed in the beautiful cabin and rocked in these amazing rocking chairs

Played Latterball!


Played with the other kids there!

Had a campfire

Hung out with our loved ones!

Played the silly games some more...

Had lots of fun talking with friends!

Got sleepy

Played fun games while being really tired!

Woke up and played more games!

Got in touch with our feelings while enjoying the beautiful outdoors

The whole GANG!!!

Gotta do a crazy face picture!

It was seriously one of the best weekends we have had with friends! Thanks for everything (those who planned... cooked... clean.... played.....slept.... and of course ate... which there was a lot of eating!!!) It was such fun!
FUN! we did that for only one day/one night at a cabin in Island Park when it was snowing and did snowmobiles and stuff...
and i think katelyn is ready to be a big sis! hahaha. (tom says that about DulanY! i dont think so!)
Jealous! Where can I get cool friends like these?
WHy can't you come to Texas and do that stuff with me?
wow--you've got some awesome friends ;) haha thanks for coming. you guys add so much fun!!
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