Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dr. Suess Party

Our ward had a Dr. Suess party and we had so much fun dressing up. Alma had a Wocket in his pocket, I had a Noothgrush on my toothbrush and Kaitlyn was the Zlock behind the Clock. It was so much fun to dress up and get ready for our party. Here are a couple pictures of us being silly.
(I put a cup in my hair and made it really tall. I am not sure that Kaitlyn liked it, she wasn't very fond of me the whole evening. I guess it was a little scary for her)

We made shirts and the clock around her clock and my Noothgrush on my toothbrush. Alma made a Wocket that looked pretty cool.

Daddys crazy hair

Family Shot!

You can kind of see in this picture that we put gel in Kates hair. Kind of fun!


Angela (Turner) Howland said...

I love it! How fun! And you're hair looks totally cool!

Anonymous said...

So, I was going to get busy after chatting with you on facebook, but got distracted by your blog. I love it!! Kaitlyn is so adorable. I want so much to pick her up and hug her.

Princess said...

you are an amazing mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna said...

sooo Cute!

You look great!

Tiffany said...

Man! I wish I could have gone! Looks like fun, Soon Jordan will be old enough. :)