Tuesday, May 26, 2009

TrIp To UtAh!

Since Alma had Monday and Tuesday off from school we took a little trip to Utah, we mainly went so we could go apartment shopping for when we move to Provo at the end of July!
Alma got into BYUs Accounting Graduate Program!

We are super excited to start this new chapter in our life!
We left Sunday evening and had dinner with my sister Kacey and my brother Jared. It was so much fun to be around family for a bit. Then we had a video chat with my parents! Which was so much fun.

On Monday we went to the Petting Zoo at Thanksgiving Point. Kaitlyn loves being outside and loved looking at the animals. Our favorite were the baby goats! SOOOO cute!

Here are a few pictures of our trip!

Sporting her 4th of July Outfit!

She knew me and Alma wanted a break so she took over!

Playing with Cousin Zach! She loved being around him and Branson!

Zach eating! YUM YUM!

Riding a cow~

Getting up close and personal with a goat!

Looking at Turkeys and Chickens with Dad!


Me and My Boys said...

She is such a cutie Pie! I love her little dresses! Congratulations on going to Provo that's so exciting!!!

Jess and Tom Roberts said...

Oh my goodness! That pic of her 'driving' is hilarious and so stinkin cute! ps. we're mad at you guys for leaving us = (

Connie and Brandon said...

Congrats to Alma on getting into the accounting program. I hear it's hard to get into. I am excited for you guys to move to Provo!!! Kaitlyn is looking so big and cute.

Anna said...

Hooray for going to Utah! I can't wait to come see y'all. I won't even recognize Kaitlyn!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Alma. I'm so happy for you! We went to Thanksgiving point before and enjoyed the flower gardens. I didn't know they had a petting zoo. I look forward to seeing you in Gandy.

craig shipley said...


craig shipley said...

congratulations!!!!! that's awesome. i'll miss you guys though! =(

Margaret said...

Hey - we live in Orem so feel free to come and hang out anytime. Well, almost anytime. We'll have to get together and do stuff.