So this picture was taken at 17 weeks and 2 days... not much belly...

This picture was taken at 18 weeks and 3 days. I feel like in the last few days i have really started to poke out more. I guess too because some random lady at the store stopped me and was like, "So, when are you due?" I wasn't sure if I knew her at first or if she was even talking to me. I didn't know her so we started chatting. She had a 3 week old. Maybe i have that glow. I must admit, a part of me wanted to say, "Actually, I am not expecting." That would be horrible though! But i guess that is good that others even strangers can tell. I really feel bigger from the 1st picture to the 2nd though.
And here is a frontal shot....
That first picture almost looks like your sucking in. Hehe. How fun your little tummy is poking out. Do your pants still fit, or do you get to wear the maternity ones yet?
love that you finally updated. who was it that said "you're so pregnant!!" i can't remember...julie?
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