Sunday, July 27, 2008

In our backyard...

So, last night we were just in our apartment hanging out and we heard some firework noises from outside. Then we realized it wasn't just some neighbors setting off a couple, it was a huge firework show just behind our apartment!!! So I grabbed the camera and caught some of it on video. It was so neat to have such a big firework show that we could watch from our very own bedroom. It was so pretty to see the firework show to the the left and the lit up Rexburg Temple to the right. Life doesn't get much better than this. We are really going to miss Rexburg when it comes time for us to leave for good.

I tried to post a video but it doesn't work. It is not letting me post a video for some reason. Maybe I will try again later. Sniff sniff. It was a really great video too.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Our day off!

Somehow we both ended up with yesterday off, so we had a great time just the two of us at home.

Alma called about some internships and we both deep cleaned the house. Maybe I am nesting. We went through all the cupboards and everything and really got rid of a lot of extra stuff that we just don't need. (I guess I take after my Dad. "WHY AND WHERE ARE WE GOING TO STORE ALL THIS STUFF) I really do love throwing things away. (THANKS DAD, i am so glad i am not a pack rat)

I love my house when it is clean!!! It really just makes me happier!!! After all that cleaning I gave Alma the best haircut of his life... :) It turned out pretty good, I guess if it looks ok to me, then it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. He is only trying to impress me he says, so when i ask him how he wants it cut, he just replies, "However you want it to look" it is kind of fun having that much control. :)

After that, since I was on such a cleaning fest, we decided to go and clean the car, inside and out. Man, does it look good! We bought new tires last week so you should see us driving down the road now. After all that, we decided to meet up with one of Alma's friend for pizza and a local place called Craigos. Alma and I split a pizza bomb and it was so yummy. So this picture is us having Pizza after a productive day :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well most of you voted for a boy, but it is a girl! Me and Alma just had this strong feeling it was a girl so we are excited about the news. All is really healthy and here are some pictures we captured of her. She wasn't cooperating very well, she kept putting her hand in front of her face, like she was rubbing her eyes. Maybe she has allergies like her mommy. :)

Baby girls frontal shot... you can see her head and eyes. We think this picture kind of looks like an alien.

This is a great shot of her arm and her hands and fingers.

This is her head and her body.

This is when they measured her head. So it is a good shot of the top of her head.

And this picture is proving that she is in fact, a girl. For awhile she had her legs closed really tight, so we had to be patient to find out for sure what sex she was, so i guess she is a modest little thing. We are so excited to have a little girl!

It isn't a very long movie, but it is a little something of our little girl waving!

Here you can see her heart chambers beating!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just some Random Photos~

Here is Alma and me at his Frisbee banquet. It was so fun to watch the slideshow and see all the highlight plays. I am so proud of all of his hard work.Last Saturday we went to my old roommates house in Idaho Falls for a BBQ! We played games and had a bonfire and roasted Starbursts! It was such a beautiful summer night! So much fun!
Here is Alma and my old roommates hubby, Paul, they beat us so bad at Croquet. Us girls we just having fun while they were taking it more serious. You can tell their seriousness from their faces in this picture. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ultimate Champion!!

This is Almas team from this last season. They won the championship and it was so much fun to watch.This is the team with all the fans that came to support their team. Their team had so many more fans than any other team.
After the championship game, we had a party at our house. Lately I have been the only one home so it was such a change to have around 22 people there. Considering I spend every night alone, even when without Alma.
Here is just a random photo of me and Alma at a park after a picnic. Just thought I would through this picture in here...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pregnant pictures~

So this picture was taken at 17 weeks and 2 days... not much belly...
This picture was taken at 18 weeks and 3 days. I feel like in the last few days i have really started to poke out more. I guess too because some random lady at the store stopped me and was like, "So, when are you due?" I wasn't sure if I knew her at first or if she was even talking to me. I didn't know her so we started chatting. She had a 3 week old. Maybe i have that glow. I must admit, a part of me wanted to say, "Actually, I am not expecting." That would be horrible though! But i guess that is good that others even strangers can tell. I really feel bigger from the 1st picture to the 2nd though.

And here is a frontal shot....