So Brad is 8 1/2 months. There are so many great things about him.
*He loves to move around. He can crawl up the stairs and he loves getting into everything.
*He goes to bed every night at 6:45pm and wakes up around 7:00am. give or take a half hour.
He usually wakes up once around 5am for a quick feeding and then goes back to sleep.
*He crawled at 6 months. Started moving around trying to crawl at 5 1/2 months.
*Brad loves food. We just started introducing table foods and he is liking it all.
(He eats more than I remember the girls eating)
*He is growing fast. Already 21 pounds.
*He is very smiley and doesn’t have stranger danger but does get shy around people and tilt hi head into his shoulder and look down at his chest. It is quite adorable.
*Brad is into everything. He loves to play the piano, my guitar. Get into the toys, play with whatever the girls are playing with.
*He loves to take a bath.
*He is not a fan of the car. Hardly ever falls asleep in the car.
*He is down to two naps. One around 9 or 10 am for about an hour and another at 1 for about an hour and a half. Although there are some days when he is up after a 30 min nap each time. And sometimes it is two full hours. I guess you can say he doesn’t need a lot of sleep like Whitney did but doesn’t not sleep at all. He was hard to train at night but we finally got him to only waking once. It was a lot harder than my other two.
*He is impossible to change a diaper on. He will not hold still. I have to gently pin his shoulders down with my feet. Hopefully that gets easier. He just wants to go!
*He is sweet and physical and I can not get enough of this little boy.