Friday, February 22, 2013

Family in-away…


Whitney cracks me up. When I give her a drink she says it is too cold and needs me to wrap a towel around it. It made me laugh watching her walk around with her sippy cup like this.

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I have decided that weekends are starting to get away from me and I want to do more things that are memorable as a family. So I try to plan something fun every weekend. We decided instead of getting away on vacation we would have an in-away. We grilled hot dogs and made muddy buddies and then we watched a movie. We all slept downstairs. We brought down the Queen bed and Kaitlyns new twin bed and Kaitlyns old toddler bed for Whitney to sleep in. It was such a fun night. The girls didn’t fall asleep till probably 10:30pm. But it was worth it.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013


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Here I am pregnant at 29 weeks with Baby Boy. I love how the girls get so into my pregnancy. They are always putting baby dolls up their shirts and it is adorable to me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Almost every morning, Whitney wakes up first and we hang out together. Get breakfast and then when we hear Kaitlyn awake we go up and Kate and Whitney cuddle forever on Kates bed. It is super cute. I can’t believe how big they are getting. Whitney is just growing up and she thinks that she is just as old as Kaitlyn. I love that they show so much affection to one another.


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My friend Princess from High School, came into town from living over seas and had a get together. It was great to catch up and meet her little girl! Such a cutie and it was so great to get to say hello before she was off again.


I just have to point this out but doesn’t Whitney look almost as big and long as Kaitlyn. Look at her legs! I feel like she looks so big in this photo! She is a lot taller than Kaitlyn was at her age. My baby Whitney isn’t even 2 yet! They grow too fast!