This last week my Sister, Kenna and her family came into town to drop her Parents in-law at the MTC. Since all of the kids in my family live in Utah we had a get together and it was a blast!
We played at the Park in my apartment quad.

We took lots of photos of the cute kids!

We all squished into my apartment to hang out and play Wii.

The sisters had a night out on the town! Without kids!
(while the hubbies played rock band... so we didn't feel too bad for them.)

It was great to get all the grandkids together!

***Take 2***

Just the girls!


Saying our goodbyes

Pat did well trying to hit us with the orange ball!

The manly men!

Bryce and Kate


Pictures inside!

These were taken before all this fun... I got a flower for mothers day and Kate loved them. She always wanted to smell them. Too cute!

And I am silly, I love to dress up like her. Wayyy too fun!

Thanks Kenna for coming down and having the fun we had!! It was seriously a blast! Playing "Min. to win it" and playing Mario late into the night!!!
Looks like you guys had a fun get together! We miss you guys. You and Kaitlyn look so cute all matchy!
That comment was from me, Heather. I am just linked in through Ryan's account. :) He misses yall too.
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