I know... I know. My blog is always about my daughter Kaitlyn. Our lives just aren't changing that much... Alma is in school, and I am at home with Kate. I did get a new calling in the ward which is keeping me busy. I am in the Relief Society Presidency, 2nd counselor over Homemaking. Alma has been SO great with helping with Kaitlyn so I can attend all the meetings that I need to.
Alma just starting school last week! This is the 2nd to last semester and then we will be all done. So we are planning on finishing this Dec. 2010. A little sad, I will admit. I am really loving our life right now. It is perfect. We live in a little apartment, we get to spend a lot of time together, we are young and not too stressed out, we are enjoying our daughter and the light that she is, we dont have a ton of bills, thanks to where we live, where most all Utilities are included. We are really trying to enjoy every moment of this time we have together. We know this stage is short, and it is so much fun! So we are doing our best to make the most of each day. We couldn't be happier.
All of Almas teachers had a conference to go to this week so he has no school. So leave me some ideas of things we can do this week!(preferably in Utah Valley and doesn't cost a bundle) I would love to hear them!
So most all of my posts are about how Kaitlyn is growing and learning and the silly things she does. Probably gets old, but that is ok. It is more for my records to post all of this, I love being able to look back, so if you are still reading my blog... Thanks for still coming!!! I will try to post more things about me and Alma. Until then, here are some cute things "we" have been up to:
We gave her a good bath and then she came out with her diaper on and went right to the kitchen and got out the chocolate chips. After she figured I probably wasnt going to open it for her to eat, she brought me out the peanut butter, and me being a PB fan.... I decided to let her go at it. Yes, after a bath. It did get messy all over her, AND all over me, but it was so much fun! She is only a kid once right?!?!

Getting her hands all in it... YUM~ Brand new PB. that is the best!

Here she is just chillin' watching me make homemade bread. I love how her feet are up on the table just taking it easy while I do all the work. I felt like the little red hen, :) she got to reap the rewards from my hard work. That is ok with me though! She was a great company!
Tonight we had some friends over from our ward and had a lot of fun. They have a little girl close to Kaitlyns age and she kept hugging Kaitlyn. It was too cute to not take pictures of.
This last week, I watched my sisters boys so she could go help her husband on a house they are building... sounds cold to me to go out there in January! These boys were tons of fun! It weird being around boys since I have a girl, but they are great kids. Who love to laugh. They just keep playing off of each other. So cute!

I am loving this stage that Kaitlyn is at! It seems like she is understanding more and more with each day. Even though she can't say a ton of words, she communicates so well with me. She does well with ALWAYS letting me know what she wants. :)
Some of her words are:
Da (Dad)
Fish or 'ish
Nose (which she will happily point out on anyones face)
Some things she says we can't tell if she is really meaning to say it, like:
I like it
She knows and understands and acts upon these words:
Bye-bye (waves)
Night-Night (Waves)
There are probably some other words that I can't think of, but it is good to write them all down.
Today before church, when we would do something to her baby she would copy us. So cute, here is a video of it.
And here is another video of it:
Well, that is it for now! Hope all finds you well with your family~
Cute post. I'm sure I will get addicted to that too once our girl is born. Good to hear an update though-and yes, your calling will totally keep you busy. But, I'm sure you are loving it! K, my tip of something to do is nickelcade. It costs 2.25 each to get in, but THEN you can get $5 bucks in nickels and that'll keep ya'll busy for about 2 hours. It is so fun. Brade and I did that for a date once and we loved it...I've been hinting that I am craving some arcade playing again. It's on State street going north towards Orem.
How cute is Kaitlyn!!! I love the posts about the fun things she does. She is super smart!
i love hearing about kaitlyn....it doesn't get boring. ou just keep posting all the kaitlyn stuff you want!! hehe. thanks for the update.
ps. she knows a lot of words!!!!
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