Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Weekend BBQs


We had a great weekend with great weather and great friends. It was so wonderful to spend Saturday outside BBQ-ing. The weather is so perfect right now.

Whitney just jumped in the game with all these boys and did her best to guard and keep up.

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This girls cracks me up. She comes up with the silliest things to do. I love that she wanted to sit on the chair at the table. So stinkin’ cute!

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There was lots of ping pong being played and these girls were playing on a mini ping pong table. I love that they laid on top of it.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

They miss their Daddy

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Well it is definitely busy season for Almas work and unfortunately it has gotten a lot busier… earlier this year then usual. I can tell the girls miss their Daddy a lot. This last Saturday, he had some work he had to do at home and so he went upstairs to work. It was hard to keep the girls away from him. They know that he is in the house and they just want to be with him. I don’t blame them! I came up and found the three of them like this. They were so quiet just sitting on his lap all cuddled up. I don’t think he minded much either.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

32 weeks


Well, we are at 32 weeks with this little baby boy! Not the best picture but I wanted to document my growing tummy! I am feeling bigger each day. I am so grateful for this pregnancy. It has been good to me thus far. I feel like he moves a lot and is pretty active! Which is always a comfort to know that he is doing well. I feel like I am carrying different with him then with the girls but who really knows.

I am plugging along and some days I just can’t stop thinking about him and what he will be like and how I wish he was coming already and then other days I think about how much easier he is to take care of inside of my tummy and that there is no rush to have him come out. I am due May 6th, but considering my other pregnancies I am sure we will go over a week or so. I really want him to come on his own. Easier said than done when you get to the end and past the due date. But I am really going to try to give him a good 8-10 days over his date for him to come before I induce. I induced with both girls so it would be fun to do it differently this time. 

Bedtime stories


I love when Alma comes home and has a whole new energy for the girls. He plays and interacts with them so well and I love that about him. The other night they were just reading together and it just melted my heart so I took some pictures.

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In this last photo, Whitney is “reading” to Alma. It is super cute!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Silly gals


I love the creative things that these girls come up with on their own. I came around the corner and saw them playing together doing this. So much fun that they have each other.

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I had lots of photos of Kaitlyn playing with shoes so I thought I would get some of Whitney. I love when they do this.

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Whitney is getting so big. She has been refusing to sit in her high chair for awhile now and want to sit on the bench with Kaitlyn. Her personality is definitely an independent one and sometimes it is so fun and great and sometimes it is hard to have her want to be so independent. She wants to do everything that Kaitlyn can do.

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Children’s Museum


Since trying to be better about doing stuff on the weekend we decided to go to the Children's Museum downtown and have a fun Saturday there. Alma and I were free with a promotion they had. I love getting deals and not paying full price! It was a fun day and there were so much to see and do. It was really crowded though.

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