Saturday, July 14, 2012

Picnic with the Ducks


So last year was so hot. It never rained or cooled down and we were in the 100s almost everyday for who knows how long. This year has been so different and we feed so blessed. The high this last week was in the high 80s and it has felt so cool. A lot cooler than last year.

We have been trying to take advantage of it. We headed over to the park to eat lunch and look at the ducks.

I am loving this stage of life. I love the ages that my girls are at! Outings are so fun and I am really enjoying them and the things that they do. I especially love showing them the world and seeing them react to the things around them.

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I love what Kaitlyn says in the video below:

Sleepover at Grandmas


One of our friends from Texas was telling us how even though his Parents live only 10 mins away, it is still nice to pack up your bags and spend the night over there to “getaway”

So for the 4th of July we did that. We all packed up our stuff and headed over to my moms for a getaway. It was so much fun. We played, laughed, sung, ate, swam and played Tennis! It was super fun.

Here are some pictures of the little trip

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Children's Museum


There is a children's museum that I bought a pass for for our family not too far from our place.  And we can go as often as we want.  They have water to play with, sand, tire pit, firehouse, science things, fish tank, shopping carts with a store, a house to play pretend in, and crafts. It is great to get there and now that Whitney is walking all over and more curious about things it is a lot more fun to go with the girls! I had to drag Whitney out after two hours. She did not want to leave.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lunch on the Counter

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I like being the Mom. We can eat Lunch on the Counter for fun!

Don’t worry, we were super safe!