Friday, August 13, 2010


So I love August for so many reasons:
It's summer
It has my bday and anniversary in the month
The name August to me just sounds cooler than all the other months
Meteor Showers
School is around the corner... I love the start of a new school year
Flip flops and Shorts
Nice Grass you can lay in
It is finally cooling down at night where we can open our windows!!!
Staying out late playing Volleyball and hanging out with friends...
There are just so many cool things about this month!!
Last week we were trying to enter into a contest where we had to figure out these songs and sing them... for $100!!! Still waiting to see if we won.... needless to say we got pretty into and kind of ignored Kaitlyn.
When I got a chance to look at her I noticed she had drawn all over her tummy with pink marker. I must say, I am glad she didn't do it on her shirt. She took that off first.
I did feel pretty guilty for ignoring her though.

Whenever I do dishes she wants to do them with me, well the other day she tried to put on my gloves like always and she did this with her shirt first. It was so funny to watch her just walk around like this. Had to take pictures of it!!
Too cute!!

On my birthday the ward had a Primary Activity where the kids swam, ate popsicles and talked about Noah and Jonah. Such a great Activity!
It was such a great way to spend the early afternoon, on my bday!

I love my apartment!! I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE!!!

So many kids and wayy to much fun!

Kaitlyn loves Popsicles... she calls them "Popples"
One of her favortie books is A "Popple" book from the 80s. So I guess that is why she calls them that.

That night we had a get together with friends and built this swing, and everyone had a ride on it while we ate Warm Cherry Cobbler and Cold Ice Cream! It was soooo much fun!!
How many people does it take to help Jessica on the swing?

Ready to go!!

Tonight we sat on our Balcony and ate Popsicles and played with these new spoons.
Alma and Kaitlyn were sticking them to their noses. It was too cute!

I keep saying this but I am loving this age and this little girl! I seriously want to freeze time and just enjoy her forever! I know that she needs to continue to grow and we will have more kids, it is just such a fun stage! She seriously makes our lives awesome! I love her more than words can say.

Dad and Kate

Mom and Kate

I hope all finds you well and you are enjoying August as much as we are!

Here are a few Videos... Me doing a back flip on the swing. Not the best, but the only video I got of it. :)

And here is just a little video of our cute girl talking... She always says any word we say and I tried to get it on video. She got pretty bored pretty fast though. But she is such a joy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3 Year Anniversary

We hit 3 years and it has been awesome so far. So to celebrate we went and did a Live Session in the SLC Temple, which I have never done before but Alma had. It was the perfect way to spend our day together!
Thanks to my sister for watching Kaitlyn for us so we could spend that time together.

I love you Alma more than you will ever know.